Next Friday AG sessions with Erin Schaefer starting June 7!

Schedule as follows:

3 PM NEW! Novice/Open Agility
4 PM advanced foundations agility.
5 PM NEW! Puppy Agility! *
6 PM advanced beginners foundation agility
7 PM NEW! Puppy/young dog drop in Agility $35/class

Please note that Classes will meet on the following dates due to Erin’s judging/seminar commitments:

June 7, June 21, June 28, July 5, July 19, August 9

* CALLING ALL PUPPIES! In this class, we will introduce puppies to very basic agility skills! We will look at boards, planks, wobble boards, learn to go over bumpers and follow hand and body signals as well as learn targeting. Introduction to weave poles using wide channel and wires and tunnels as well. This class is offered to puppies from 10 weeks up to one year.

Please email Terri Collins to reserve your spot if interested in any of the above classes!


Feel free to cross post!