Daycare FAQs

1. What days do you hold daycare and what is the cost?…

Daycare is open Monday – Friday at a cost of $35. per day. We do have a 2 day per week minimum for new clients unless approved by Ck9. Single day for seasoned clients is $40. (5) full days in one week are discounted at a rate of $30./day

2. What do you mean by 2 day minimum?…

We expect your dog to arrive here at daycare on his/her scheduled dates. If you are unable to make a day you may call us and if we can switch to another day that week, we will gladly do so. If you fail to let us know of missed daycare or of a change in your schedule, you will be charged for 2 days of daycare regardless of whether you bring your dog or not. We need to know of absences so we will not worry about your dog!

3. Why do you have a 2 day minimum?…

From years of experience, we know that most dogs adjust better to a situation if it is a routine. Dogs (like children) thrive on consistency. Imagine placing your child in Daycare only one day per week. By the time mom or dad picks him/her up, they are just beginning to get into the swing of things! They then have 7 days until they return to the new situation and it can be like starting all over again.

4. Do I have to bring my dog the same days each week?…

While we do prefer a regular schedule, we realize that sometimes adjustments need to be made. If your dog is unable to make a scheduled day, please call to let us know and if we can accommodate him/her another day that week, we will adjust the schedule.

5. What are the drop off and pick up hours for daycare?...

You may drop your dog off anytime between 6:30 – 9:00 a.m. Pick up from daycare is between 3:30 – 6:00 p.m. If you need to pick up your dog early on any specific day, please let us know in the morning when you drop off. There is a charge for late pick up (after 6:00 p.m.)

6. How do you introduce my new daycare dog to the group?…

We normally begin with each new dog in a kennel run. He/She can get used to seeing the dogs at play without actually being together with them. Once we feel he/she is ready, we let them out of the run and into one of the play yards by him/herself, but where they can still see and sniff other dogs through the fence. The next step is to allow one of our lower key daycare dogs meet the newcomer. If that is successful, we can begin to expand your dog’s horizons by adding new, compatible dogs to the mix. Most new dogs are happily playing within the first day of daycare.

7. How do you decide which dogs can go out together in a group?…

We have several large play yards in which to segregate the different groups. We consider age, size and temperament when placing your dog in a play group. Of course there are always exceptions, so we monitor carefully to make sure the dogs are compatible within each group. Please note: It is sometimes necessary to change a dog’s group over time. We strive to keep the groups compatible at all times.

8. How long do the dogs get to play each day?…

Our daycare clients get a minimum of 2-3 hours time outside, weather permitting. We have breaks during the day, & at those times they come in for snacks and a well deserved rest. They will return to their playgroups around 1:00 p.m. for an energetic afternoon of fun.

9. What do you do with the dogs if the weather is bad?…

9. What do you do with the dogs when the weather is bad?…

Most of the dogs don’t mind rain or snow and still get to go out whenever possible. Of course in inclement weather we do make the outside sessions shorter and more frequent, plus they get extra cookies to keep up their energy! On horrendous days, we can utilize the indoor training facility to exercise the dogs when classes are not in session. They love it and go home just as tired and satisfied as any other day!

10. What if my dog gets down and dirty at daycare?…

We offer a “Quickie” grooming service to our daycare clients. There are days that your dog may get quite dirty while playing with his/her friends. On these days we will give your dogs a quick rinse/blow dry to remove most of the dirt before you put him/her in your car for the ride home. There is an additional charge for this service.

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