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Class/Training Application (word)

Collinswood K-9 offers a variety of classes from Puppy Kindergarten and Basic Behavior through Competition Obedience, Rally O and Agility as well as Conformation Breed Handling. Private lessons are available in all of the above.  Most of our classes are in 6 week sessions for a cost of $175. Please check the calendar, or email for dates when new sessions are beginning.

If you would like to sign up for a class, please send in the application along with a full payment to hold your spot. New Agility students require pre-approval, so please call/email!

We offer a large indoor training facility with GREAT MATS footing. We also have a fenced outdoor area that we use weather permitting.

Puppy Kindergarten – (Puppies need to have age appropriate vaccinations.) Positive methods are used to set a solid foundation. The main difference between this class and Basic Obedience is added short socialization/play sessions. Puppy attention span is short, so we intersperse training sessions with fun, social activities. Puppy behavior issues will be covered!!

Beginner Obedience (Basic Behavior) – Start right for the best foundation for your dog. This session is the stepping stone for numerous other classes which expand your choices and strengthen the bond between you and your furry family member.  Remember… “Don’t Complain… TRAIN!


What is Agility? Agility is a fast paced canine sport that is exciting and thrilling to watch, come join the fun! We offer various levels of Agility classes from Pre-Agility all the way up to Competition level classes. All of our Classes are designed to get the best out of you and your agility partner. Each class may be repeated multiple times prior to advancing to the next level (at the discretion of the instructor).

Pre-Agility  – This is our precursor to Beginner Agility class. Students and dogs will be introduced to the obstacles as well as gain a beginning foundation for the skills needed for the sport of Agility. Please note! This class requires a solid foundation of Basic Obedience skills!

Beginner Agility (BA)– Introduction to equipment and basic handling using a motion based handling system. Emphasis is on safe, correct execution of obstacles and FUN. Focus and motivation using games, toys and food will be included. Some ‘obedience for agility’ will be incorporated; basic obedience skills are required so that the team may get the full benefit of the class. Dogs must be a minimum of 6 months old, and must have completed a Basic Obedience class.

Agility Foundations Puppy (AGFP) This class is a continuation of skills learned in BA or for the more experienced handler with a new pup. More refining of handler skills and obstacle work, strengthening foundation for both you and your young Agility partner.

Agility Foundations  (AGF) A continuation of AGFP for older pups/young adults

Agility 2/3: For dogs who have previously completed BA/AGF and are ready, (at the discretion of the instructor) to do coursework as well as continued sequencing. Emphasis will be on learning handling maneuvers, and building team skills… Dogs should be reliable off leash. Dogs entering this level are expected to be confident negotiating all obstacles at competition level, including weave poles. This class will build on the skills learned and include obstacle discrimination and sequencing along with more complex handling maneuvers and building team skills using both short sequences and full, competition level courses. The various agility association games may also be included.

Agility 4: This class is for experienced handlers and dogs. Competition courses will be broken into sets to work on skills, as well as running of full courses, as time allows. Emphasis will be on sharpening the dog’s skills, course handling and timing. Concepts are presented to further the development of the team.  It is for dogs that have successfully graduated from Agility 2/3, or at the discretion of the instructor. This class is for teams that are actively competing at the Masters/Excellent level.

Breed Handling Classes (BHC) are offered as a drop in class. If you are interested in learning how to show your own dog in the conformation ring, this is the place to do it! We’ve had numerous Breed Champions and Nationally Ranked dogs walk through our doors. For those active handlers in need of schooling your show dogs or training your new pups, we are here for you! The cost is $20 for the first dog, $5 for each additional dog. Our BHC instructor is Marsha Clamp.


Betty Belliveau is the instructor for the Agility 2 and up classes. She is also available for Private lessons here at Collinswood K-9. For information on Private lessons, contact Betty directly at 978-343-0941 or via email

Sandie Hanlon is the instructor for the Beginner Agility and AG1 classes. She is also available for private or semi private lessons. For information, please contact Sandie at

Sam King & Jessica Harris are our PK and Basic Obedience instructors.  Pre-Agility is taught by Sam King, and our exciting new Rally Obedience classes are taught by Jessica Harris.