Who we are

- Collinswood K9 Services is a 7,425 sq. ft. facility for boarding, daycare, grooming, and training
- 10 Indoor-outdoor kennel runs with multiple outdoor daycare play-yards and a grooming room
- Our training room is 5,500 sq. ft. and fully matted with classes for puppies to advanced agility
- Home to Collinswood Australian Shepherds, Proud AKC Breeder of Merit
- We welcome you to come and visit us at Collinswood K-9 Services, to see for yourself what the ultimate in dog care and training can be! After all, it’s all about the dogs!

Terri Collins / Owner
Terri has been involved with dogs her whole life, growing up with Labs & Beagles and becoming an avid Rottweiler fancier until falling in love with the Australian Shepherd. In 1982, she purchased a home in Auburn, MA and for several years cared for friends’ dogs while they were away. After hearing many times, “you should do this for a living”, she began developing the idea into a business. Collinswood K9 officially started in 2002 with the help and advice of Betty Belliveau and Mary Cerreto. The business initially utilized the lower level of the house and back yard before designing a separate building as the full service facility.
Terri was inspired by her brothers (2 of which are veterinarians) to follow her dreams no matter how much dog slime she encountered. She graduated at the top of her class, from Newbury Jr. College’s Animal Technician Certification Program in the 1970s. She was involved in conformation, obedience, and schutzhund with her Rottweillers. She is a now an AKC Breeder of Merit for her Australian Shepherds and competes with much success in conformation and agility.
Contact us:
81 West Street, Auburn, MA 01501
Email: ck9@collinswoodk9.com
Phone: 508-832-9394